Banking & Finance
Banking & Finance

Banking & Finance

We support trade financiers and digital platforms in drafting contracts and developing new financial products. We structure corporate finance instruments for investors. And we advise banks and companies on banking supervisiory and capital markets law and implement money laundering compliance systems.

Range of services

Banking & Capital Markets Law:

  • Banking contract law and loan securities
  • Loan law
  • Payment transactions (PSD2)
  • Investment law and investment advice
  • Securities trading
  • Alternative Investment Funds (AIF)
  • Pooling agreements
  • Investment requirements of institutional investors (AnlV)

Factoring & trade finance:

  • Advising institutions and investors on the drafting of customer and syndicate agreements for institutions and investors
  • Genuine and non-genuine factoring
  • Supply Chain Finance
  • New product processes (NPP) and digitalization of financial products
  • Development of Fintech platform concepts
  • Export factoring
  • Legal issues of international assignment of receivables
  • Models for capital market-based refinancing

Banking supervision & regulatory requirements:

  • Advice on legally compliant implementation of regulatory requirements
  • Licensing procedures and owner control according to the German Banking Act (KWG), EU passporting and notification procedures
  • Establishment of proper business organization
  • Appointment of managing directors
  • Structuring of risk management in accordance with MaRisk
  • Risk-bearing capacity (RBC)
  • Outsourcing management
  • Notification and reporting obligations
  • Representation vis-à-vis BAFIN and Bundesbank as well as audit support

MaRisk and money laundering compliance:

  • Implementation and maintenance of customized compliance management systems (CMS)
  • Establishment of money laundering risk management
  • Risk analysis
  • Risk-based KYC processes
  • Safeguarding measures
  • Structuring of anti-fraud management
  • Risk mitigating processes to avert damage potential and liability risks
  • Dealing with suspicious cases
  • Corporate governance codes
  • Poison policy
  • Third-party policy
  • Structure of MaRisk compliance
  • Monitoring and control activities
  • Introduction of Financial Sanctions Compliance (FSE)
  • Sanctions and embargo regulations
  • Export control and reputation protection
  • Assumption of MaRisk and GwG compliance officer functions as well as the central office in accordance with § 25h of the German Banking Act (KWG)
  • Reporting
  • Establishment of whistleblower systems (whisleblowing unit)
  • Implementation of protected reporting channels

Corporate Finance:

  • Strategies for capital structures in corporate finance
  • Mezzanine capital
  • Convertible bonds
  • Fiduciary limited liability company
  • cash pooling
  • Advice on the financial structuring of corporate transactions
  • Investment companies
  • Structuring of investment decisions
  • Advice on growth financing
  • Support for private equity

Digital securities:

  • Structuring and issuing digital securities (security token offering (STO) using blockchain-based technologies), including information and prospectus obligations

Seminars & in-house trainings:

  • Trainings for business managers and supervisory bodies of credit institutions and financial service providers in accordance with sections 25c, 25d of the German Banking Act (KWG), on financing models and fraud risks
  • Industry-specific money laundering and compliance training for employees and managers
  • Seminars on foreign trade

Recovery of receivables:

  • Receivables management and litigation in disputes with customers and debtors
  • Negotiations with insolvency administrators
  • Portfolio sales


Inhouse-Schulungen von Geschäftsleitern und Aufsichtsorganen zur 5. MaRisk Novelle und dem neuen Geldwäschegesetz (GwG) einschließlich Anwendungs- und Auslegungshinweisen (AuA) der BAFIN zu den Anforderungen an KYC Prozesse

Aufbau von MaRisk, Geldwäsche und Wertpapierhandels-Compliance Strukturen für Fintech Finanzierungsplattform, dabei Übernahme der MaRik, GwG und WpHG Compliance Beauftragtenfunktionen im Wege der Auslagerung

Beratung einer schweizerischen Investorengruppe zum Aufbau steueroptimierter Beteiligungsstrukturen (Finanzholding) und aktivem Beteiligungsmanagement (MBI, MBO, Spin Off) an Unternehmen in Deutschland

Entwicklung der digitalen Einkaufsfinanzierung QUICKPAID für A.B.S. Global Factoring AG, Vertragsgestaltung, Digitalisierung, Outsourcing, Neu-Produkt-Prozess

Durchführung eines Erlaubnisverfahrens für ein britisches Fintech Unternehmen zur Erlangung einer KWG Erlaubnis in Deutschland

Beratung bei der Übernahme und Integration des Gesundheitsfactoring-Anbieters DGPAR durch die bankenunabhängige A.B.S. Global Factoring AG, M&A Prozess und Transaktionsmanagement, bankaufsichtsrechtliche Inhaberkontrolle

Rechtsgutachten zur investmentrechtlichen Erwerbbarkeit von Handelsforderungen durch institutionelle Investoren in Deutschland und Luxemburg für TrustBills GmbH, deutsche Fintech Plattform zur Übertragung von Handelsforderungen, Anforderungen an AIF und RAIF sowie nach VAG und AnlV

Strukturierung einer kurzfristigen Wandelanleihe (Convertible Bond) als Schuldverschreibung mit der Option zur Rückzahlung in Aktien für ein Unternehmen aus der Energiebranche

Workshop für die Führungsebene der National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) zur Entwicklung eines nationalen Rechts zur Forderungsabtretung in Handel und Gewerbe (Factoring) sowie dem regulatorischen Rahmen in Zusammenarbeit mit der Europäischen Aufbaubank (EBRD)

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Banking & Finance